Friday, September 25, 2009


Who knew that a year and a half after I stepped foot back in school that I'd actually finish? Who knew the days that I missed my kids desperately, the days I was sick, the days I was depressed, the days I wanted to be at my kids karate practice, the days I missed a church event, the days Marlin wasn't feeling as supportive, the days my kids ate fast food day after day after day, the days my kids had to go to childcare, the days I didn't see Marlin for days at a time, the days Marlin and worked opposite shifts to keep the kids out of childcare, the days I missed my favorite t.v. finale, the days I had to endure profanity, immaturity, deceit, spite fullness from others at school or days that I wanted it all to be over. Who knew that I would not only graduate with an A average, but 95% attendance in the presence of my sons, husband, father and both directors there to wish me well. Who knew that I was this strong? I guess you did!

I did it I did it I did it! I am a graduate and I have a trained and marketable skill. A mother's dream. It makes being the mother to my miracles more special. I have options and I chose them. It was always my dream to be home with them, I was blessed enough to be actually living my dream, but it makes my dream bigger now that being here with them is really what I want to do. Nothing can turn my head now, or make me question my devotion to being home. Because I did it! I actually did it.


Sarah Blue said...

Congratulations! That is such an great accomplishment. And hooray for your good grades. Grades like that while juggling chilren, home and work are amazing. Congrats!!!

BBC said...

whoo-hoo!!!! congrarts!