Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I am so blessed to have two of the best friends I've ever had. Heavenly Father knew that friendship would be a challenge for me that it was mentioned in my patriarchal blessing. And over the years I've definitely been blessed with good friends; my sisters, April, Rebecca, Suzanne, Vanessa. But we know that in life we move and our friendships endure but it's hard not to have that person that totally gets you close to you logistically. But Heavenly Father definitely extended a tender mercy when he sent me Catherine and Kristi. They more than get me they accept me-neurosis's and all! They understand and accept my constant need to hand sanitize, my super fast speech, my need to be on time to everything, my need to call and vent random annoyances and mostly the meet my needs equally as I strive to meet theirs. Although I'm sure you've guessed that they're considerable less than mine. The point is we are the three musketeers. We have lunch every month without fail and it helps that our boys are also best friends. One time at church someone new didn't know who I was and asked one of the ladies who I was. After thinking how to best describe me she replied the lady always glued at the hip with Kristi Sharp. Then she exclaimed "Oh I know exactly who she is then!" If that tells you anything-Yep, I'd say I'm definitely blessed!!


Years ago I had to make the decision whether or not to perpetuate the myth. The holiday myth so many children associate Christmas with....Santa Claus. Growing up I knew as young as four that he didn't exist. I never had the blind faith, the giddy excitement, the eager hope or the anxious sleep that comes to many children every Christmas Eve. So later in life when I discovered the true meaning of Christmas it was one of the best gifts I'd ever received. The knowledge that the true spirit of Christmas is the Pure love of Christ in the hearts of those willing to serve those so less fortunate at Christmas-which was always my family. I loved that I had something I could believe in all year round and that gave Christmas true meaning for me.

So when I had my own four year old, without warning assuming strangers would tell him in stores "is Santa bringing you toys this Christmas" or "Be a good boy for Santa" or other annoying quips about this fable. Initially I hesitated and about my decision to spare him believing in the myth but after careful consideration decided that the right decision for my family was to tell him why Christmas was special to me and that meant telling him at four years old the true meaning of Christmas without the Santa part. It's something he has always accepted and we have adopted two things that really help our children celebrate the season without Santa but with the most important part our Savior Jesus Christ.

First, we have begun collecting nativities and we get atleast one every year but many times we get more than one each year. We designate a special place in our house for them and set them up. The kids get to set them up and we make a special pile of 'baby Jesuses' so that Christmas morning before we open our gifts we play our favorite family Christmas song "Go Tell It On the Mountain" and we put all the babies in the mangers.

Secondly, we have adopted the tradition of giving our kids 3 gifts just like the Savior received. We tell them that it was good enough for the Savior to receive 3, it's good enough for you. It really helps our family to stay focused during the holidays while teaching my kids the true meaning of Christmas and just like my favorite scripture, "...We talk of Christ, we preach of Christ that our children may know whom to look for a remission of their sins." 2Nephi 25:26 For me there is nothing greater than to teach my kids this lesson.

As a mom you're always second guessing your decisions and I felt a surge of hope when Amani my four year old said as we decorated the tree with gold hearts, "I'm putting on the heart for the love of Jesus." May you each have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world-Jesus Christ.

P.S. One of my absolute FAVORITE things to do every Christmas is to watch the movie The Nativity released a few years ago. We watched it this year as a family & the kids loved it! They were riveted. I cry every time! Watching it I am awe struck at the divinity of our Savior. I love it-a must see!